Thoreson Family Estate Sale

The Eclectic Cupboard is pleased to present an estate sale for the Thoreson family of Rochester, MN. Originally from Northern Minnesota, Orland and Maxine Thoreson moved to Rochester in the 1950’s when Orland obtained a job here. They lived in the same home adjacent to Silver Creek all of their time in Rochester and raised their three daughters there. While Orland worked at the Rochester Post Bulletin, Maxine spent 18 years in the Rochester Public Schools system as a classroom educator and media specialist. Both enjoyed travelling and their Scandinavian heritage, and in retirement, opened their home to many family members and friends who were receiving treatment at Mayo Clinic. Orland was also a farmer at heart, served in the Korean War and was known for one-liners such as “Keep it between the white lines!,” “Hold it down to a dull roar!” and “I’m not doing bad for an Old Cob!” Maxine was known for her extensive knowledge of Laura Ingalls Wilder and for keeping the family entertained with trivia and other fun facts while on vacations and road trips. Married for over 70 years, Orland passed away in 2022 and Maxine in 2023. The Eclectic Cupboard is honored to serve the Thoreson family.

As you may expect with a family home of 60+ years, there is a HUGE variety of items for sale, including:

OF SPECIAL NOTE: Scandinavian items, including linens, carvings, glass, etc.; set of Royal Albert “Old Country Roses” china; Beatrix Potter figurines; large collection of tobacco items from Climax MN including a porcelain sign, long tins, advertising pieces; milk/creamer bottles from MN dairies; antique wall phone; John Deere items including toy tractors and advertising; lots of costume jewelry; selection of Dept. 56 items; ceramic Christmas trees; large collection of nativities; nice selection of linens including many vintage printed tablecloths; antique/vintage toys; original art work painted by Maxine; very large collection of stones including petrified wood, absinth, minerals; sea shells, and crafting glass.

KITCHEN: All kinds of Tupperware; silverware sets; tons of glassware, china, serving plates and platters; cup and saucer collection; mugs; pots and pans; small kitchen appliances; kitchen gadgets and utensils; etc.

FURNITURE: China hutch; dining room table and chairs; bedroom sets; bookshelves; small cabinets and tables; sofas/loveseats; other chairs; writing desk; etc.

CRAFTING ITEMS: Sewing machines; sergers; fabric; all kinds of misc.; scrapbooking; photo albums; quilting; knitting/crochet

MEDIA: Wide selection of books on Laura Ingalls Wilder; lots of books on history, religion, etc.; cookbooks; lots of children’s books – many vintage; lots of CDs and DVDs, VHS and vinyl both 45 and 78.

CLOTHING: Many racks of clothing, vintage and newer; winter coats, hats, gloves

SHOP/GARAGE/OUTDOORS: Two workshops full including Craftsman lawn mower; Sears table saw; grinder; scroll saw; work bench; assortment of wood; hand crafted bird houses and feeders; 3 card table and chair sets; garden décor, bird baths; shepherd hooks; statuary; fountain; 2 patio table and chair sets; many patio chairs and side tables; so much more

MISC: All kinds of antique and vintage smalls; many candleholders; picture frames; holiday decorations; canning jars and lids and a canner; old games; dolls and stuffed toys; much medical assistant aids, wheelchair, shower bench, grab bars, etc.

We are still unpacking and will be discovering items up until sale day. Plan to come visit us – there will be treasures aplenty!!!

1602 7th Street NE Rochester MN.

Friday September 27th, 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday September 28th, 9 am to 4 pm (half price)

• All sales are final, and are sold as is, no guarantee of working operating condition
• Not responsible for accidents
• Children must be supervised at all times
• Please bring help when buying or removing larger, heavier furniture pieces